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Lake Account

Set-up a lake account and you never have to bring a form of payment in with you for each transaction. Perfect for when you are in your swim suit enjoying a day on the lake! You may charge food & beverage, gift shop purchases and gas to your lake account.  You may also set-up designated chargers who may charge to your account; for example, your spouse, kids or grandkids.

To set-up a lake account, please visit the Fair Hills Front Desk in the lobby. Your contact information and a credit card are required to activate your account. Charges are closed out to your credit card on the first of every month.

If you have previously held a lake account at Fair Hills, please note that you must re-activate the account each season.

Lake Accounts can be used for purchases at any of the following places.

Visit Our Other Properties

Whether you’re looking for a quiet getaway, an all-inclusive family vacation, a beautiful course for a round of golf, or an amazing event venue…

The Fair Hills Family of properties has something for everyone.

Five Lakes Resort
Wildflower Golf Course
Barn at Five Lakes