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November 2023

2023 November Newsletter


November has had us in the twilight zone.  As we write this, there isn’t a drop of “white stuff” anywhere, it is raining, we are still working outside comfortably and have even cracked a window open!  Where are we?!?? [update…it snowed!]

November has been a month of all seasons.  We’ve had snow, wind, rain, sun.  We’ve worn short sleeve shirts and winter coats this month.  We’ve needed boots and have gotten away with sandals.  It has not been normal, but we have been blessed with the weather this month, and in the spirit of the season, we are THANKFUL!

This weather has allowed us to stay busy outside more than ever, later than ever, and we have been productive!  The Wildflower crew has been hard at work completing one project after another.  Trees have fallen, new sod is in, the projects never end, but they are getting done!  At Fair Hills, new roofs have been shingled, old furniture has been purged, trim has been painted, new fans have been delivered, the projects also never end, the to-do list grows daily, but we are getting stuff done!  Thank you sun!

Thanksgiving Gratitude Attitudes

We are a thankful bunch.  We are thankful to be able to do what we do, create family memories for and with wonderful people.  We are thankful for the team we work with every year, for the guests we work for every year, for the fun things we get to do every year, for the beautiful place we get to call home every year.

We wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and a gratitude attitude that stays with you all year.  Here are some things we are thankful for this year.

Wildflower Feature: A Good Walk Spoiled Newsletter

Mason Savage visited Wildflower this summer and shared his thoughts on the course in his monthly newsletter: A Good Walk Spoiled.  We agree Mason, Wildflower is Minnesota’s most underrated golf course.  Thanks for the round!

Minnesota’s Most Underrated Golf Course – Wildflower Golf Course

Featured Video

A new segment of our monthly newsletter – Featured Video!  

This month’s featured video is the 2023 Fair Hills Hootenanny! Did you catch the show this year?  If you did or did not, you can watch it now on YouTube.  We might be biased, but it was a GREAT show this year.  Thank you to all the wonderful staff that gave the show their talent, passion & personalities.  Thank you to all the wonderful guests who were excellent audience members.  The hoot is one of the most special things we get to do and we are THANKFUL to be able to share it on YouTube for all to see.  We filmed two different weeks’ shows.  Both are linked below.  Enjoy!

2023 Fair Hills Hootenanny – August 1

2023 Fair Hills Hootenanny – August 8

2024 Rates

Our 2024 rates are published and will be available on the website by the end of the month.  If you have a 2024 booking, you will get a confirmation email in the next two weeks that will have your updated rate, total and reservation details.  Please reach out if you do not get an email from us by mid-December.  Deposits are due by January 15, 2024 to confirm all 2024 bookings.

We still have openings for summer 2024.  Reach out today to make your booking!  Online reservations will be available by mid-December for summer reservations.

2024 Rates

Thank You!

Thank you for reading and being a part of the Fair Hills Family.  We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday Season.

Visit Our Other Properties

Whether you’re looking for a quiet getaway, an all-inclusive family vacation, a beautiful course for a round of golf, or an amazing event venue…

The Fair Hills Family of properties has something for everyone.

Five Lakes Resort
Wildflower Golf Course
Barn at Five Lakes