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Whether you’re looking for a quiet getaway, an all-inclusive family vacation, a beautiful course for a round of golf, or an amazing event venue…
The Fair Hills Family of properties has something for everyone.
It’s beginning to look at lot like… |
We’ve got a lot of news this month – so much you might hear from us twice!
Tour de Hoot The reason for this tour is to spread the word about your summer vacation home. Our hope is that you’ll invite your friends to come to find out about the resort and of course, for a fun evening (or afternoon) at a location that is convenient to you. You know that you love coming to a spot that cooks, cleans and entertains you and the children, but we need to keep telling others. You are our best sales people and through the “Tour de Hoot” venue, we hope to introduce the resort to your friends, family and neighbors. Larry, Caitlin and I, along with any former staff in the area, will be doing a mini-hoot. We’ll need assistance from the audience to be Pete the Pelican, the Monotone Lawnboy (we’ll coach you on the words!) and also to hold numbers for the “2-1-8” song. Please encourage anyone you know who would be a perspective vacationer to attend. Together we can “show and tell” them about the resort and reminisce about your time at the lake. There are prizes and incentives for encouraging others to attend. Of course, there will be refreshments which everyone will be craving after New Years J Thank you for your effort in spreading the word and we hope to see many of you soon. You may have received an evite already. Pick up a Sweatshirt! Limerick Contest—the deadline is extended for those who still need to think of words that rhyme! Hope you’re keeping warm!! Beth & the Crew |