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A Word from Jesse Cisneros

jesseWe had a fun note from Jesse Cisneros – many of you will remember him as the 8- -14 year old recreation director from a few years ago. We wanted to share his update and invite others to report in and let us know what’s going on with them.

I know there have been talks that one of my younger sisters, not Becky, is thinking about applying to work at FH doing the same thing that Becky and I did, but the last that I know is she is thinking about it. I’ll try to convince her to do it because working at FH was by far the best job I’ve ever had. Then that gives me an excuse to go visit. It’s a win win situation. As for me, I’ve been in the Marine Corps for a little over five years now and I’m loving it. I’m stationed in Camp LeJeune, NC with my wife, of a year now Sara, and little baby girl, of four months Jayde. I’ll be sending a picture with this email so you can see my family. I’ve been deployed three times now and getting ready to go on a fourth sometime early next year. Don’t know where but I’m sure it’ll be to Afghanistan, misspelled I’m sure. What else………I’m still active in doing triathlons and duathlons and trying to convince my wife to take up scuba lessons but we’ll see how that goes. I know that this summer I’ll have some vacation time and I’m really thinking about heading to FH for some R&R, but I really can’t plan to ahead because everything in the Marine Corps at the last minute, but I’ll keep you posted if a trip to Detroit Lakes is in the future. Well I have to go for now the baby is crying and I still have to get ready for work.

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